Saturday, March 27, 2010

Creating a Cake

I decided to throw a birthday party for my girls. They turn 4 and 2 within weeks of each other so I decided that it would be a good idea to combine their parties and save some trouble on my part. Instead of making it easier on me I had to make two cakes instead of one. Considering cakes are the most time consuming part of birthday parties for me I kinda screwed myself over a bit on that one. Note to self: Next time think first.

It actually was not as bad as I am making it out to be. I did have three little helpers. Chloe and Elizabeth helped at the beginning and the end. Isaac helped in the middle, after I had the icing made. They all helped as taste testers for the icing. I decided to document my process with pictures. Enjoy.

Step 1: Find two willing helpers and let them pick which cake they want to help with.

Step 2: Let them add stuff and hope they don't drop some on the floor. Chloe really enjoyed watching it mix.
Step 3: Make kids help in the clean up process. Remember not to be picky in how they get the utensils clean.
Step 4: Bake cakes. Remember to sit and rest while cakes are baking.

Step 5: Let cakes cool. This is a good time to start making the icing.....or rest some more.

Step 6: I decided to make icing, no time to waste. The key to good icing is to make sure you have lots of stuff that is bad for you.......plenty of Crisco and powdered sugar.
Step 7: Admire your creamy goodness called icing.
Step 8: Color your icing. Since the party was for two little girls we made sure to have plenty of pink.
Step 9: Begin the chopping and piecing of the cake. If you are not sure how to do it I recommend trying anyways....just make sure you have plenty of icing to piece the cake back together.
Step 10: Start decorating. The more you add the prettier it will get.

Step 11: Stand back for a minute and think about what else it needs. In my case I was waiting for my wonderful sister to bring some princess figures to help with the cake.

Step 12: Add remaining decorations. Pat yourself on your back........also thank your sister for helping put finishing touches on the cake because you did not allow yourself enough time to finish TWO cakes.

Step 13: Make a mad dash to fully decorate a sock monkey cake. Note to self: Next time move the tail down a little so it does not look like a 3rd arm :)

Step 14: Pat yourself on the back again for completing the second cake.

Now that the cakes are done you can see the magical smiles they bring to kids. Here Chloe shows how much she loves the cake by giving it a kiss.

1 comment:

El said...

the sock puppet is awesome can you make me one by sunday :)

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