Friday, March 5, 2010

Is it my birthday yet?

Elizabeth my 3, almost 4, year old daughter has been excited about her birthday for almost a year now. When Isaac started school this year she had to learn that she was too young, a sad day for her. At the time we told her she had to be 4 to start school......boy is that coming back to bite us in the butt now. At least once a week since August she has reminded us that once she turns 4 she can start school.
What we failed to tell her was that she had to wait until August to start, the problem is that her birthday is March 27th. She knows when her birthday is and reminds me all the time. On March 1st she randomly asked me if it was March yet, when I told her yes she could barely contain her excitement......mean mom had to tell her she had to wait 26 more days.

Today she looked at the clock and seen that one of the hands on the clock was on the 3 and she thought that meant it was her birthday. It is going to be a long month.

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